Home / Parent Resources and Links


Have you been told or do you suspect your child has lice? Read the link below.
The use of cheap conditioner with the Wet Combing is the safest treatment.
Wet Combing Method (lice detection and treatment) VIHA 2010

Great Parent booklets below – quick read reference guides for parents in British Columbia. 
Below are 5 excellent, easy read booklets written by parents for parents.
Our thanks go to Joyce Gram and Catherine Abraham for their time and dedication to helping parents.

Aboiginal Education – A Discussion Guide

Building Student Success in BC’s Public Schools – A Guide for Parents

Individual Education Plans (IEP) – A Guide for Parents
Webcast on the IEP booklet, with the authors (47 minutes long)

Reading: Breaking Through the Barriers – A Discussion Guide

Student Assessment in BC’s Public Schools – A Guide for Parents

Other Resources

Parent Appeal Process  – Better known as “What to do, as a parent, when I have a problem at school”
You can also email the SPEAC President for support or direction speac@sd62.bc.ca

Volunteers and the Law – Important reading for anyone who is holding a volunteer position.

Parent Guide to Facebook

BCCPAC has many good resourses on their webpage.
A few of them are listed here.

Supporting Student Success – This book (84 pages) is an excellent collaboration of the Education Partners in BC. This is a great book to read and share with your child’s education partners.
It can be found broken down into sections, (smaller downloads) on BCCPAC’s webpage.

Speaking Up!  – is a parent guide to advocating for students in public schools is available to download free. SPEAC may have some printed copies. If you would like a printed version email the president to find out if one/some can be dropped off at your school.

BCCPAC resource webpage